a summary of the legislation in question can be found below:
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[ from http://www.drcnet.org/wol/240.html#raveregulation
AB 1941, the innocuously named "act to add Section 53087.6 to the Government
Code, relating to law enforcement," includes the following provisions, as
listed in the Legislative Analyst's office's review of the legislation:
"Establishes requirements for issuing a local permit for a "rave party,"
defined as an electronic music dance event that may be attended by 500 or
more persons.
"Requires a local permit granting authority to notify the local law
enforcement agency when it is considering a permit for a rave party.
"Requires a promoter applying for a permit for a rave party to:
- Submit the application for the permit at least 30 days in advance;
- Notify local law enforcement of its application;
- Include in the permit application a list of all of the rave applications
the promoter has submitted in the past;
- Present evidence showing the promoter is knowledgeable about illegal drugs
and drug paraphernalia and can recognize the presence of drugs at a rave;
- Acknowledge in writing that the promoter will not permit, condone, or
ignore violations of state and local laws relating to drugs and drug
paraphernalia at the rave."
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more info can be found at
(type in AB1941)